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2024 Membership Program | Mindset Mastery
What to Expect
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Membership Highlights
12/23/23 | Communications Board | Please watch to learn how to receive notifications, where to go for the latest information about classes and more, (6:26)
Live Session Invites
(REPLAY and CHAT) Saturday, December 16, 2023, 1P Eastern | Welcome Aboard (74:50)
January Invites and Replays (10:24)
Friday, February 9, 2024, 8p Eastern | Special Mindset After Dark Invite
Friday, February 16th and 23rd, 12p Eastern
Friday, March 8, 22, 29, 12p Eastern
Mindset Minutes | Byte Sized Mindset Videos with Supporting Guides, Ebooks and/ or Worbooks
Let's Start with Clarity (7:51)
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