How This Subscription Works

  • You will receive new images on the first of each month starting December 1, 2022 through December 1, 2023.
  • You will receive an email notification every month. Please be sure to opt-in to receive emails from Teachable when you sign-up.
  • You will receive licensing information for the digital downloads that you receive.
  • You will be able to download your files from your portal.
  • Please be sure to download and organize the files that you receive from your portal to the cloud, hard drive, etc. Please do not use your portal to house your downloads.
  • If you choose to pay for a monthly subscription you will be required to pay monthly on the same date you signed up. You will receive up to two notifications for any missed payments. If a payment is not made you will lose access to your portal and all content contained within. Content will not be emailed.

Please post your comments and/ or questions.

*Subject to change. All changes will be emailed and posted here.

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