How This Subscription Works
- You will receive an invite in your portal and via email to join at least two or more courses each month. Please be sure to opt-in to receive emails from Teachable when you sign-up.
- A schedule will be published monthly in your main portal.
- Your main subscription portal will be your communication portal.
- For organizational purposes each course will be available as a separate class outside of your main subscription portal.
- Each course will be held online via Zoom.
- You will receive step by step instructions, a Q&A session and resources to help you further your studies.
- Each class will be recorded.
- You will receive access to all replays.
- The replays will be available through December 31, 2023.
- You will receive lifetime access to the replays as they will be downloadable.
- Please download any video you'd like to retain access by or before 12/31/2023.
- Do not share, sell or giveaway access to any content shared in your portal.
- If you choose to pay for a monthly subscription you will be required to pay monthly on the same date you signed up. You will receive up to two notifications for any missed payments. If a payment is not made you will lose access to your portal and all content contained within. Content will not be emailed.
- *This information is subject to change. All changes will be emailed to you.
Please post your comments and/ or questions.